
Josje Hoek

Once you receive the results of your employee survey, it is important to be able to put them into perspective. Is a score of 5.1 good or bad? It depends on the scale that is used and who you are comparing yourself to. If you score a 5.1 for leadership on a scale of 1 to 10, this might seem to be a low score. But, what if the average UK score for leadership is a 4.2? That will give your result a completely different value.

Effectory International has different ways of benchmarking. We make reports based on background variables such as gender, tenure and age (respondent characteristics). Moreover, we make internal benchmarks amongst teams and other organizational units. Companies can be compared with other companies in a particular industry or a geographic region.

Global Employee Engagement Index™

Discover the Global Employee Engagement Index™ 2025 for key insights on driving employee engagement, improving performance, and enhancing team dynamics.


International Benchmark

The Global Employee Engagement Index™, developed by Effectory International provides immediate insights into what an employee or employer can expect to experience in different countries, based on 17 HR themes (which include employee engagement). This benchmark is useful to all organizations that are currently operating, or have the ambition to operate on an international scale. It’s also a valued tool for all international managers who strive for engaged employees, and as a result, high performance and efficiency.

Additionally, there are time-relevant benchmarks: employee attitudes evolve along the economical climate changes. Last but not least: functional benchmarks. This means that we can compare a sales department with other sales departments. In fact, a sales person has different attitudinal drivers than, for example, an accountant or an employee from IT.

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Effectory is Europe’s Leading provider of Employee Listening Solutions. Schedule a product demo and discover how to enhance your employees’ engagement.

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