On the 9th of April, Effectory organized the webinar ‘Help, my talent is leaving! Now what?’ on how to attract and retain talent.
Did you miss the webinar on how to keep your talent onboard? Watch it here!

If you missed it, but want to learn more about this, you can watch the webinar here!
During the webinar a lot of questions were asked about organizational culture. How to create a culture where people feel challenged and stay motivated to develop themselves? In this blog we would like to follow up on this.
What is employee onboarding? The definitive Effectory guide
Seven characteristics
Every year, Effectory conducts research amongst the employees of over 1000 organizations. Our research reveals that the most popular Dutch employers attract up to 50% more applicants. They are also stars at keeping their talents onboard. If we take a closer look at their organizational cultures, they share the same seven characteristics:
- Inspirational leaders
- An attractive mission
- Less rules and bureaucracy
- Minimal management
- Appreciate experts
- Social innovation
- Sharing information
1: Inspirational leaders
Some members of management only leave their ivory tower once every three months. To visit the canteen and talk about core values, results and the organization’s quarterly targets. That’s not very inspiring! Inspirational leaders step out of their offices, mingle with employees, talk with them and continuously share their vision and ambitions.
2: An attractive mission
A lot of employees want to contribute to society. They are looking for a purpose in their job and wonder if what they are doing is relevant. Therefore, it’s important to clearly state your organization’s mission and vision. That way, employees understand what they are working toward.
3: Less rules and bureaucracy
Popular employers manage by trust instead of control. Employees are at their best with as little rules and protocols as possible.
4: Minimal management
Minimal management is also a typical quality of popular employers. After the economic crisis, a lot of management layers have disappeared. Effectory’s research shows that organizations often function better than before; not just financially, but also with regard to employee commitment and engagement.
Employee experience in 3 easy steps
Learn the best ways to improve the employee experience in your organization with these 3 easy-to-follow tips! Get your copy today!
Download: employee experience tipsThe fifth quality of popular employers is the extent to which they appreciate experts. These are the people that are in the front lines and are (rightly) placed on a pedestal.
6: Social innovation
Your employees are extremely good at noticing what can be done in a more effective and smarter way. Encouraging them to participate is one way to improve the fun they have at work and also improve their performance. Popular employers use their employees’ brainpower. They actively involve employees in business-policy making. Social innovation is used in a strategic manner.
7: Sharing information
Popular employers are transparent in all they do. They make sure employees always have access to the information they need to improve both their own performance and that of the organization. Making the actual impact employees have on the overall results visible is a true motivator for them!
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