Surveying across multiple borders


Conducting employee surveys with multilingual employees, and/or living and working in various countries can be a complicated process. Not only are you dealing with multiple languages, but also a diverse cultural reference and footprint. Additionally, the local economy influences the way employees experience (certain) subjects: if you are an employer in a country where high unemployment prevails, employees there may value you more than those in a situation where employment opportunities abound.

Ideally, you would like to conduct the survey in such a way that each organizational unit receives relevant results and is provided with the optimal tools to make the most of their outcomes.

Global Employee Engagement Index™

Discover the Global Employee Engagement Index™ 2025 for key insights on driving employee engagement, improving performance, and enhancing team dynamics.


Centralized framework and decentralized flexibility

Whilst setting up your multinational survey framework, centralized decisions will have to be made that affect the whole organization. You also, then, need to decide which freedoms and responsibilities decentralized organizational units will maintain.

Extensive experience

Effectory has extensive experience in setting up employee surveys with multinational organizations. Hundreds of thousands of employees from the ‘top 500 organizations’ are questioned annually. Your survey will be carried out by the Effectory International team, who are specialized in conducting multilingual, multicultural and multinational surveys. This ensures you that your survey flawlessly connects to the complexity of your organization, and you get the benefit of the best practices already in place within Effectory.

Benchmark cultural differences

Effectory is the initiator of the Global Employee Engagement Index™. You can easily benchmark all HR variables across 47 countries, all over the world. By visiting, you can benchmark yourself or compare countries against each other.

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Effectory is Europe’s Leading provider of Employee Listening Solutions. Schedule a product demo and discover how to enhance your employees’ engagement.

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