Since 2008, we’ve been distributing our excellence-in-employership World-class Workplace label (known as Beste Werkgevers in Holland) to high performing organizations once a year. The label is not for sale and is based solely on the opinion of employees.
These are 2023’s World-class Workplaces

2023’s World-Class Workplace label winners are…
We’re very excited to be able to reveal which organizations hold the label for 2023. Congratulations to all of them. We can’t wait to meet up with everyone and announce the overall winners in the spring!
You can find the list of all the recent label holders here:
How do organizations earn the label?
After conducting a company-wide scan of their workforce, an organization’s results are compared to Effectory’s highly reliable benchmarks for employership and eNPS. Organizations with good employership provide their employees with a work environment where they feel at home and accepted. Meanwhile, an organization’s eNPS, or Employee Net Promoter Score, helps employers measure employee satisfaction and loyalty within their organizations.
Only those who outperform the benchmarks are awarded the label, and the best performing in different regions and industries receive special accolades at our yearly World-class Workplace awards show.
This label is how organizations can demonstrate to current and future talent that they’re a truly great employer.
How to gather feedback from your employees
The definitive checklist for creating your employee engagement survey.
DownloadWhy should employers care about being a World-class Workplace?
World-class Workplace is a very important label for organizations because it cannot be bought. Because it is based solely on the honest and anonymous feedback of their own employees it is highly credible.
The label proves to potential new hires that an organization takes its employees’ engagement seriously, that they give them a voice, and that employees feel welcome and energized. This is why it is perfect for employer branding. The World-class Workplace label offers organizations the perfect opportunity to say to the world: “if you come to work for us, you will become part of this positive and engaged company culture.”
It also gives organizations the perfect excuse to celebrate their current success internally.
Over the past 25 years, Effectory has seen the magic that happens when organizations take employees seriously, and the positive impact that an open feedback culture has on the success of an organization.
How can organizations earn the label?
All organizations can perform the scan. The survey is powered by Effectory’s easy-to-use platform which complies with the toughest privacy laws, promises anonymity to responders, and features an intuitive analytics dashboard.
Employees are then asked questions across 4 key themes:
- eNPS
- Employership
- Enablement
- Engagement
The responses are compared to our benchmarks, which contain data sets spanning hundreds of organizations across tens of industries.
All organizations that outperform the top box benchmark score receive the label.
Previous label winners include Pathé Netherlands, Grupo Catalana Occidente, Daan and Icelandair.
Here you can find out more about being a World-class Workplace from the team at Grupo Catalana Occidente.
And what’s the yearly event?
Every year, we give an award to the highest performing organizations in various categories. This allows us to celebrate the best of the best.
The overall awards will be given to organizations that outperform the benchmark score and outperform the benchmark specific to their industry or territory.
It is also an excuse to share insights from HR experts and our own community. HR maestro Dave Ulrich has been a regular keynote at our event.
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Effectory is Europe’s Leading provider of Employee Listening Solutions. Schedule a product demo and discover how to enhance your employees’ engagement.
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