What is driving this rapid increase in workplace stress, and more importantly, how can we tackle it in our organizations?
Thanks to the costs associated with high turnover and the ongoing war on talent, retention is a big topic, and HR is crucial to business meeting this challenge.
Find out how to identify and tackle the core reasons why employees leave your organization.
7 employee stats you should be measuring and presenting in your next investor pitch.
How Effectory’s continuous listening landscape drives profit, talent retention, and engagement - Forrester’s Total Economic Impact™ report on employee listening
In this article you will learn what is People Analytics and What are the 5 steps to build a people analytics strategy.
Effectory’s new whitepaper describes all the benefits of part-time remote working
Why employee engagement is so important? In this article we explain all the benefits of employee engagement and engagement surveys!
Employee turnover is 22 percent lower than average in organizations where employees are engaged. In addition, performance increases by 26 percent.
For companies with satisfied employees, employee turnover is seldom a problem. Read on for 5 tips against unnecessary costs caused by high employee turnover.