Learn why a specialized Voice of the Employee tool outshines HRIS add-ons or generic survey platforms in improving employee engagement and driving results.
Learn more about two new developments from Effectory: 360 Feedback and AI-powered Text Analytics.
Effectory HQ moves to a new office at Rokin 16, in Amsterdam. This move is a significant leap towards sustainability and celebrates our full transition into SaaS.
Explore how leadership, culture, and feedback influence employee retention in the healthcare sector, featuring insights from Amsterdam UMC.
7 employee stats you should be measuring and presenting in your next investor pitch.
At Effectory, giving and receiving feedback is an integral part of our culture. In a conversation with CEO Christian de Waard and Chief Strategy Officer Don Griffioen, we pieced together the story of Effectory's feedback culture and how we’ve built it.
The seven building blocks of a robust feedback culture and why having a feedback culture is so important for your organization.
Discover the topics dominating HR in Germany, and the current role of employee feedback.
Watch an HR Congress Forum presents session, hosted by Effectory, about the potential of employee feedback featuring HR specialists from Exact and Körber.
From Boomers to Zoomers: How to make working with Gen X, Y and Z as easy as ABC