HRM in different cultures

15 steps to ignite a feedback culture in your organization. Part 2: Effectory Case Study

At Effectory, giving and receiving feedback is an integral part of our culture. In a conversation with CEO Christian de Waard and Chief Strategy Officer Don Griffioen, we pieced together the story of Effectory's feedback culture and how we’ve built it.

Anna Eliseeva

Why it’s time to change compensation system

The current compensation system adopted by many organisations is outdated in today’s workplace. As a result, talented employees are being stifled...

Nik Penhale Smith

HR’s role in leadership

How can HR help ensure harmonious leadership within an organisation?  

Josje Hoek

5 ways HR can modernise organisations

How can your HR department help modernise your organisation? Within this blog I discuss 5 ways in which HR departments can help modernise their organisations.

Axel Schiphof

Why We Shouldn’t Discard HR Departments

A response to Bernard Marr's article Why We No Longer Need HR Departments, and why we should keep HR departments.

Nik Penhale Smith

Surveying across multiple borders

Conducting employee surveys with multilingual employees, and/or living and working in various countries can be a complicated process.


Global HR trend 4: More engagement in veterans

The engagement is lower with newer employees than employees who have been employed longer.

Arne Barends

Global HR trend 3: Positive young and older employees

Strikingly enough, the youngest and oldest employees are the most positive employees, regardless of country.

Arne Barends

Global HR trend 2: Impact of unemployment

Unemployment is rising in many countries. The economic crisis is leaving its mark, the impact of this growing unemployment is clearly visible in...

Arne Barends

Global HR trend 1: Influence of organisational structure

The survey of the Global Employee Engagement Index™ reveals striking differences between the countries in the area of work perception.

Arne Barends