
3 smart ways to use employee feedback: Part 2 – How to target specific teams or groups with surveys 

In the second part of our blog series, we're focusing on how targeting specific groups or teams with surveys can help you understand their experiences and enable you to make better decisions. 

Iulia Bogyo

3 smart ways to use employee feedback: Part 1 – How to conduct program and policy evaluation surveys

In the first part of our blog series, we'll show you how to improve organization-wide policies and programs with employee feedback. 

Iulia Bogyo

3 Key Types of Organisational Commitment

This article discusses employee commitment, what it means, its components and how to spot the different types of commitment in your employees.

Rogier van der Werf

The world of HR variables

There is a common perception that if employees are satisfied, they are automatically committed to the organisation and vice versa.

Nicholas Burman

How to ensure your team performs under pressure

The current coronavirus crisis is placing enormous pressure on every team. So how can you make sure that everyone performs under pressure?

Marlies Pellikaan

Achieving the best performance with your employees

Do you ever wonder whether you have the right people on board? Or whether your organization would perform better if your employees went that little bit further?

Arne Barends

HR analytics: role clarity impacts performance

Discover data-driven insights about role clarity in the workplace and learn how role clarity impacts employee and organizational performance.

Lieke Pijnacker

This is the value of professional onboarding

There’s more to onboarding than introducing yourself and explaining how the coffee machine works. Why is professional onboarding important?

Marlies Pellikaan

What’s the ROI of employee happiness?

Employee happiness is a hot topic. Google it, and you’ll see a long list of results show up. Is it just a hype or is it actually paying off?

Suzanne Mancini

What is employee performance?

There is no general, overarching theory about employee performance. The effectiveness with which organisations manage, develop and stimulate their employees...

Bronwyn Wainwright